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Gary & Annette Baker
348 Osage St.
Wauconda, Il 60084

Monday, November 16, 2009

Baker Bunch Weekly Update - November 16, 2009

How are you doing this week? We are all doing great!

We had stake conference this past weekend. The stake young women’s sang a beautiful song. Andrea was part of the choir and got to set on the stand for the Sunday Session for the entire two hours.

Ashley and Aiden joined us for conference. Aiden fell asleep on Mom’s shoulder. When he woke up and started to fuss (only a little) Dad took him out. When they went out, he was very good. He just want to stand up with somebody.

Gene Schrecengost (Great Lakes Military Branch President) was one of the speakers. He told about some Priesthood Blessings that had been given at the Navy Boot Camp. One was one of the blessings that dad had given about a year ago. One of the recruits had liver problems. In the blessing that Dad gave, Heavenly Father blessed him he would be healed. If the recruit did not heal, he would have been discharged from the Navy. He was healed and continued his service in the Navy.

Mom and Dad played tennis on Saturday with some friends from Crystal Lake (Martin Smarten) and Island Lake (Pat Packard). They had a great time.

Andrea had a birthday party last Friday night with her friend she has know since 1st grade. Valerie Burton. Some of the people there were watching an R rated movie downstairs. Andrea and some of her other friends stayed upstairs. Good for her.

Andrea has official all her hours behind the wheel with mom and dad. Now she has to finish up with her behind the wheel with her teacher at Wauconda High School. They told us in January 2010 she will start behind the wheel.

Hope you are all doing well!

1 comment:

  1. everyone off the road in 2010! lol way to go Andrea~!
